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Gamifying Earth Science Learning Initiative
Gamifying Earth Science Learning is about capturing our world, focusing on what content is being taught and presenting it to the students in a way they are already familiar and fond with - video games!
Resource! Respond! Rescue!
Based in Minecraft, students learn about natural disasters and roleplay as an Emergency Response to mitigate against them
Old as Dirt!
Forming into groups, students roleplaying as various teams of Earth Scientists and learn the rock cycle from ore to export
Four Reasons to Adopt Gamifying Earth Science in Your Classroom
Gamifying Earth Science is a new genre of e-learning tools. Designed around class collaboration, our games create a modern learning environment for students to thrive
Engaging Earth Science Learning creating higher engagement in class
No longer does Earth Sciences have to be the boring subject in the year. Gamifying Earth Science is a tool that creates excitement and engagement in students while teaching Earth science concepts.
Curriculum Aligned
crafting educational pathways for success
Gamifying Earth Science is aligned with the Australian Curriculum. Designed to be an assessable and reportable e-learning tool, it helps you just as much as it help your class.
Build Student STEM Skills readying them for the workforce
Prepare your students for the new STEM careers open to them with a classroom environment that focuses on critical thinking, collaborative problem solving and softskills development.
Develop Career Awareness linking curriculum to purpose
Gamifying Earth Science helps make your students education purposeful by linking curriculum content to the real life careers pathways open to them. Students understand where their education can take them.
What our passionate users have to say
"Gamifying Earth Science enhances student learning and brings real-life situations in the industry to the classroom. Students are immersed in real careers, and they are open to the ideas of careers that they may never have thought of."
Deb - Merredin College
"I encourage anyone offered the opportunity to use the resource to take it. Passionate and expert support is provided to get you started, and continues throughout the process."
Jeff - Cooinda Primary
"The relevance of this program to a mining community has been extremely valuable as these are real-world issues that they can relate to."
Sharon - Kalgoorlie-Boulder Community High School
Appreciating our project sponsors
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