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Engaging Future Mining Leaders at Curtin WA School of Mines Open Day

Curtin Wa School Of Mines Open Day

We had a great time at the Curtin WA School of Mines Open Day on the 22nd of August. This event provided a unique platform for students, educators, and industry professionals to connect, learn, and inspire the next generation of mining leaders. Here are a few of the highlights!

Engaging with Future Miners

We had the privilege of interacting with students from various schools and discussing their interests and aspirations in the field of mining. It was inspiring to see the enthusiasm and curiosity of these young minds as they envision their future careers.

Networking with Industry Experts

The open day brought together key players from the mining industry, including key industry players from Mineral Resources, Gold Industry Group, Rio Tinto, AusDrill, Northern Star Resources, and more. We had the opportunity to engage in meaningful conversation, discuss potential sponsorships and gain valuable insights into the latest industry trends and developments.

Discovering Educational Pathways

We were impressed by the mining educational pathways at the Curtin WA School of Mines. The CoRE Learning Foundation independently focuses on project-based learning, real-world applications, and connecting students to employment pathways, equipping them for successful careers in the mining industry.

Exploring the Campus

Taking a tour of the campus gave us a glimpse into the state-of-the-art facilities and resources available to students. It was clear that the school was committed to providing a high-quality learning experience.

Educational Outreach

We also had the opportunity to connect with educators and secured interest from four schools to bring our games into their classrooms, including Goldfields Baptist College and Kalgoorlie Boulder Community High School. This is a significant step towards making STEM education in mining more engaging and accessible for young learners.

This wouldn’t have been possible without the incredible support of our sponsors - Gold Fields, IGO Ltd, and Delta Lithium as well as our in-kind partner, WA School of Mines Alumni. We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to Holly Stevenson at Gold Industry Group, Tim Campbell from WASMA, and the many other individuals who contributed to the success of the open day.

The Curtin WA School of Mines Open Day was a resounding success, providing attendees with a wealth of information and opportunities. By promoting connections between students, educators, and industry professionals, we are working together to shape the future of mining careers and inspire the next generation of leaders.

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